Are you a freelance content creator working on freelance projects? Do you think you have a reach, as in do you think PR agencies, corporate or marketing groups are listening to you? If your answers to the questions are "yes" then you are a part of the 'New Media'. The old media is still going strong but the new media is evolving at a phenomenal rate. Internet or World Wide Web has opened up vast new avenues that were simply non-existent only a few short years back. But today things are different.
This is the century of the freelancers because you are a 'micro influencer' and with millions like you working on freelance projects world-wide the influence is HUGE. This new media is perhaps the best way to create & nurture a brand online. But with so many people doing it, how would you distinguish yourself! Here, then, are some of the pointers a freelancer must keep in mind to make sure that your time and effort does not go waste.
Do not oversimplify the content needlessly. Complex content does not sell. The content should be created with not only the target audience in mind but also the general audience. Most freelancing project asks for nothing more than a simple content as it is easy to write and disseminate.Content creator must not talk the reader down. Never underestimate the power of a reader/audience. Do not treat them like a student in a classroom. A content creator must adopt a personal tone in his/her style. The content must be 'Timeless' rather than being 'Topical'. Topical content, more often than not are ephemeral. A good content is one which is relevant even after 5 or more years.
The above mentioned points, if followed can help you to undertake your freelancing project work with not much difficulty. But an act of content writing is also an act of hubris. Most of us think that the sole purposes of the words we type are to influence the readers thought process that will make him move from one page to he another and this is where most freelance content writers go wrong. Hence, before handling any content related freelancing project, one must remember that it's the end product and its quality that is going to tie down the reader. The process is not easy, but if done properly your content will eventually project your face to the entire world.
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