Thursday, 4 June 2015

Famous People Who Have Achieved Success By Using the Laws Of Attraction

Throughout History there have been many people, really just ordinary people, who have lived their lives by using the Laws Of Attraction (LOA). The LOA teaches us that living life by being positive and having goals that we truly believe are achievable gives us access to great power, the power of the universe. The positive energy that we emit into the universe by focusing on achieving goals and working to achieve those goals, the whole time believing that we will arrive at success will cause us to attract the abundant positive energy that is available to us from the universe. Our thoughts create our potential reality. Reality being that we will become what we desire. If we desire and dream of success in business, literary circles, spiritual leadership or the arts and sciences.
There have been many people who have practiced the LOA and gained fame, fortune and success in their endeavours. Typically their endeavours have resulted in things that have touched the lives of millions of people and benefited, to some degree, those people. They may not have been famous
because the lived their lives based on the Secret, but as result of using the LOA to assist them, they accomplished what it is the dreamed of.
The following people are examples of those who have achieved success and have attributed their wealth (not necessarily financial wealth to the positive powers available in the universe in which we live:
Andrew Carnegie - He was one of the most wealthy industrialists of the 20th century. You may not recognize his name immediately, but I'm sure
you recognize the name, Carnegie Hall, in New York. This famous landmark was named after him. He taught many people the power of the Laws of
Attraction. Probably his most famous student was Napoleon Hill who wrote the best selling novel, Think and Grow Rich, which in turn has taught many others the Secret.
Henry Ford - He was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. There are millions of people who have driven Ford cars and there aren't many people
who haven't at least seen a Ford or heard of that company that makes billions every year. Ford too learned the Secret from Andrew Carnegie.
Jack Canfield - Canfield is the author of Chicken Soup For the Soul. It is best selling novel. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages world-wide. A best selling novel that teaches people how best handle life's challenges by using short, inspirational stories and motivational essays.
Marci Shimoff - She is the author of Chicken Soup For the Women's Soul and Chicken Soup For the Mother's Soul. These too are best selling novels inspired by Chicken Soup For the Soul, but they deal with the particular life challenges of Women and Mothers.
Dr. Michael Beckwith - A Great Spiritual Leader and Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center that has a congregation of over 8000 members. Beckwith has done spiritual work with the Dalai Lama and he is also one of the founding members of The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar.
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Genius is One Percent Inspiration and Ninety-Nine Percent Perspiration (Thomas A. Edison)

This article is made to dedicate to Thomas A. Edison who coined the world's most inspiring idea; "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration."
Just a glace at his idea (one percent inspiration), another intellectually exponential idea converted into writing, hearing, reading words, by a supporter of him, Lay Vicheka (ninety-nine percent perspiration).
To me, this quote of Thomas A. Edison does make countless things to me. Many refer to him as "a man of ideas", but I call him "a man of mental inspiration."
His idea: "genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" is just on track with my own mindset, which were written down and published on my websites and other websites around the world. It was the law of nature and our creator's law that states, human are all equal; birth, social status, political stance and other status are not the determining factors for our destiny and only perspiration is the determining factor.
Today's world allocates us everything to improve ourselves, to set our goals, to make us able to, to-the-best-potential, make use of our in-hand resources, to walk on our determined path, and last but not least, to reach our enlightened destiny. Your enlightened destiny may be different from other destinies, so do not worry if you think you set destiny seems remote from other's.
In my "we need help in our birth, but not in our death" intends to provoke the idea and the philosophy of hard and scarified work as that of Thomas A. Edison's philosophical tactic.
Now, let us take a think¡ in what ways you are different from other successful people, politicians, intellectuals and other celebrities? Are those people famous and rich from birth? Some may be yes, but the most important thing is that they want to be where they are now? Moreover, why you cannot be like them? Thomas A. Edison and I would simultaneously answer that "because you never want to be such the persons."
Believe me¡ the world is made up of human efforts and you are always good enough to bring a new shape to the world. Did our world creator want the outlook of our existing world? No, because it is human who furnaces our existing as well as impending worlds. How would you want your world be and to be like? Contribute buy applying the philosophical tenet, "Genius is One percent Inspiration and Ninety-Nine percent Perspiration."

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Reducing Student Essay Writing Stress - 5 Top Tips

Let's face it, when it comes to writing essays, dissertations, thesis chapters or submitting coursework, even the most organised of us will come face to face with that last minute essay panic at some point in our lives. I have worked with lots of students over the past year, and indeed, as an under-graduate and then a post-graduate student, I have found myself surrounded by students of all ages, styles, abilities and personalities. There is always a commonality - the dread of an essay or academic assignment. The extend of the dread, and the reason for the fear may be different across the board, but nonetheless, it would be nigh on impossible to find a student who doesn't find themselves getting slightly nervous when the words 'essay' and 'deadline' are uttered within the same breath.
However, essay writing is a fundamental part of all study. We start pulling together written assignments at school from the age of 4, and we continue to write assignments throughout our life. Sometimes they are career related, and certainly in our earlier life they are frequently academic and educational.
I am one of those individuals who likes to plan to avoid that last minute essay panic. I don't find a buzz in working all night to finish off an assignment that's due to be submitted at 9am the following day. I don't find that my academic or creative genius is awoken only when there is 4 hours to go before submission deadline. I find that I am calmer, and I generally write better and more coherent essays when I have the luxury of time and the ability to re-read, and rewrite my essay.
There are however some students who do find that they are much more productive and almost much more intelligent in their essay writing when they are up against the pressure of a deadline. And that's just fine. But sometimes, when you have a 200 page thesis to submit for example, there just aren't enough hours in the day to deliver a good quality essay in 12 hours. And so you need a plan.
One of the best ways to avoid that last minute essay panic is quite simply to have a plan for completing the essay. Attack the essay as you would any project:
1. Know the deadline. This is the point at which all stages of your plan will work back from.
2. Set a realistic start date. If the essay is only 1,000 words long, you don't need to start writing and researching it two months ahead of the deadline date. One to two weeks is probably sufficient. If however the essay is 10,000 words long, then starting it two months ahead of deadline might be sensible.
3. Work out all of the key steps you need to complete between the start date and the finish date. These could include completing the research, watching an important film that is related to the subject matter, carrying out qualitative research, attending a discussion group, meeting with your tutor etc. It should also include completing various parts of the essay itself; for example, writing a full content plan for each chapter, drafting the introduction, drafting the body of the essay, drafting the conclusion.
4. Set completion dates for each of these key steps...and stick to them. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of missing a deadline and then letting the whole plan slip - keep on top of it.
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Operating Systems

Linux OS was first created by a student from the University of Helsinki in Finland. The creator's name was Linus Torvalds and he had an interest which turned into a passion for Minix, a small Unix application which was later developed into a system that surpassed the Minix standards. He started working on the minix in 1991 and worked heavily until 1994 when the first version of Linux kernal 1.0 was released. This Linux kernal sets the foundation to which the OS of Linux is formed. Hundreds of organizations and companies today have hired individuals and used them to release versions of operating systems using Linux kernal.
Linux's functioning, features and adaptation have made Linux and Windows OS's are excellent alternatives to other OS's. IBM and other giant companies around the world support Linux and its ongoing work after a decade from its initial release. The OS is incorporated into microchips using a process called "embedding" and is increasing the performance of of appliances and devices.
History of Linux
Through the 1990's some computer savy technicians and hobby insistent people with an interest in computers developed desktop management systems. These systems including GNOME and KDE that run on applications on Linux are available to anyone regardless of the persons motive to use the system. Linus Torvalds was interested in learning the capabilities and features of an 80386 processor for task switching. The application originally named Freax was first used with the Minix operating system.
Both the Freax and Minix designs seemed to be sacrificing performance for academic research and studying. Many of the computing specialists now are making assumptions that have changed since the 90's. Portability is now a common goal for these specialists of the computer industry and this is certainly not a academic requirement for software. Various ports to IA-32, PowerPC, MIPS, Alpha, and ARM along with supporting products being made and sold to wholesalers and retailers, commercial enterprises gave Linus a Alpha based system when tasks on Linus's priority list moved up to a notably busy point.
History of Windows
Presidents of Microsoft were Bill Gates and Paul Allen they shared the title until 1977, when Bill Gates became president and Paul Allen vice president. In 1978 the disk drives of the Tandy and Apple machines were 5.25-inch. First COMDEX computer show in Las Vegas introduces a 16-bit microprocessor, and from Intel manufacturers they introduce a 8086 chip. Al Gore comes up with the phrase "information highway." The same year Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak developed the first programming language called Integer Basic, this language was quickly replaced by the Microsoft Applesoft Basic.
Also in 1978, there was a machine that had an integrated, self contained design and was priced at less than $800, known as the Commodore PET which was a Personal Electronic Transactor. On 4/11/78 Microsoft announces its third language product, Microsoft COBOL-80. On the 1st of November in 1978 after their third language introduction, they opened their first international sales office in Japan. Microsoft delegates ASCII Microsoft, locatwed in Tokyo, asits exclusive sales agent for the Far East. And finally on New Years Eve of 1978 Microsoft announced that their year end sales was over $1 million dollars. The following year in April of 1979 Microsoft 8080 BASIC is the first microprocessor to win the ICP Million Dollar Award. The big computers were dominated by software for the mainframe computer, the recognition for the pc computer indicated growth and acceptance in the industry.
Both Allen and Gates return home to Bellevue, Washington and announce plans to open offices in their home town, thus becoming the first microcomputer software company in the Northwest.
Technical Details of both Linux and Windows OS's
An OS takes care of all input and output coming to a computer. It manages users, processes, memory management, printing, telecommunications, networking, and etc. The OS sends data to a disk, the printer, the screen and other peripherals connected to the computer. A computer can't work without an OS. The OS tells the machine how to process instructions coming from input devices and software running on the computer. Therefore every computer is built different, commands for in or output will have to be treated differently. In most cases an operating system is not a gigantic nest of programs but instead a small system of programs that operate by the core or kernal. The pc computer system is so compact these small supporting programs it is easier to rewrite parts r packages of the system than to redesign an entire program.
When first created OS's were designed to help applications interact with the computer hardware. This is the same today, the importance of the OS has risen to the point where the operating system defines the computer. The OS gives off a layer of abstraction between the user and the machine when they communicate. Users don't see the hardware directly, but view it through the OS. This abstraction can be used to hide certain hardware details from the application and the user.
Applied software is that which is not generic but specifically for one single task machine. The software will not run on any other machine. Applications like this are SABRE, the reservation system of airlines, and defense systems. Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Creating software is an expensive and time consuming process. These programs will support and in some cases replace the engineer in creating computer programs. Cad cam systems is the computer aided design &computer aided manufacturing. The electronic drawing board in a computer program the features are multiplying. Like premanufactured elements, strength calculations, emulations of how a construction will hold in earthquakes.

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Essay Editor

An essay editor can transform your essay from being an ordinary essay into a refined and concise essay. You have probably spent a considerable amount of time over your academic assignment. The next step is to polish it to perfection. It is possible for you, as a writer, to overlook the errors that you have committed. The teachers and professors in at your school, college, or university are busy and are unlikely to have the one-on-one time necessary to provide custom editing help. They can advise you whenever you are stuck with an essay related problem, but you need much more than that in order to achieve excellent grades in every project assigned to you.
An essay editor can improve your essay and help to clarify why he or she made certain improvements. An editor scans your writing meticulously for every kind of conceivable flaw. The choice of words can make a remarkable difference to the idea that you want to express. Other areas that students have difficulty lies in are spellings, grammar, typos, tense, tone, coherence, flow, fluency, clarity, structure, and voice besides a few more minor ones. Floundering in any of these areas will reflect poorly in the grade you earn.
Avoid taking a risk and have a set of professional eyes scrutinize your composition before submitting it for assessment. Hire an essay editor, sit back, relax, and be conferred upon with a grade that will surprise even you! The turn-around time of an academic editor is fast. The frequent communication with you is going to ensure that only your perspective is articulated in the essay. An additional advantage is that your identity is never going to be divulged to anyone. Absolute privacy is the editor's prime assurance. This issue need never bother you. Providing a gentle critique can be of immense help for you to circumvent similar errors in all your future literary endeavors. With the assistance of an essay editor, you can bolster your argument and improve your essay.
Whether your essay is for a school assignment, college admission, or job selection, there is an essay editor who is proficient at editing your essay. The qualified, experienced professional reviews the essay, using the latest features of word processing to make suggestions for improvement. Whether you struggle with writing English essays or you are an English major, essay editing services can be invaluable to your academic career.

The Hazards of Writing Content

Are you a freelance content creator working on freelance projects? Do you think you have a reach, as in do you think PR agencies, corporate or marketing groups are listening to you? If your answers to the questions are "yes" then you are a part of the 'New Media'. The old media is still going strong but the new media is evolving at a phenomenal rate. Internet or World Wide Web has opened up vast new avenues that were simply non-existent only a few short years back. But today things are different.
This is the century of the freelancers because you are a 'micro influencer' and with millions like you working on freelance projects world-wide the influence is HUGE. This new media is perhaps the best way to create & nurture a brand online. But with so many people doing it, how would you distinguish yourself! Here, then, are some of the pointers a freelancer must keep in mind to make sure that your time and effort does not go waste.
Do not oversimplify the content needlessly. Complex content does not sell. The content should be created with not only the target audience in mind but also the general audience. Most freelancing project asks for nothing more than a simple content as it is easy to write and disseminate.Content creator must not talk the reader down. Never underestimate the power of a reader/audience. Do not treat them like a student in a classroom. A content creator must adopt a personal tone in his/her style. The content must be 'Timeless' rather than being 'Topical'. Topical content, more often than not are ephemeral. A good content is one which is relevant even after 5 or more years.
The above mentioned points, if followed can help you to undertake your freelancing project work with not much difficulty. But an act of content writing is also an act of hubris. Most of us think that the sole purposes of the words we type are to influence the readers thought process that will make him move from one page to he another and this is where most freelance content writers go wrong. Hence, before handling any content related freelancing project, one must remember that it's the end product and its quality that is going to tie down the reader. The process is not easy, but if done properly your content will eventually project your face to the entire world.
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Our Simulated Universe

An Initial Advisory: I need to say this from the get-go, that there is no connection whatever, in this essay, postulating a simulation scenario that includes us, between a supernatural all-knowing, all-powerful creator God and what I see as a flawed flesh-and-blood creator person (or extraterrestrial) actually responsible. This 'Supreme Simulator' is no God (with a capital G), any more than the creator of a video game is a God (with a capital G). This has absolutely nothing to do with a supernaturally based religion; everything to do with the natural order and evolution of technological things. This is science (or technology); not superstition or mythology.
Unlike God, for those who believe in a loving God, the Supreme Simulator may not give a royal stuff about you and your fate any more than the creator of a video game cares whether the characters in that creation live happy ever after or not - probably not. I mean, if you simulated billions and billions of humans; generations and generations of them, and assuming you're not all knowing and all powerful, could you keep track of them all?
Now one is perfectly entitled to reject the truism of this simulation hypothesis. I'm not sure I really believe it myself. But of course what we believe or disbelieve is ultimately irrelevant - it's all a function of what is, or is not. While the simulation scenario is straight forward enough, being able to prove, or disprove it, is the real intellectual challenge. That's the issue I'm attempting to think through. And sadly, while I'd like to claim this as my own, the idea isn't original with me - far higher intellects than I have pondered this and there's a massive degree of literature in academic journals and web sites on the possibility.
Terrestrial Examples of Current or Near Future Simulations:
*The Practical: Simulation scenarios prove useful in dealing with everyday traffic management issues and of course the military use them for war-game purposes. Engineers use them to figure out things like will this aircraft fly if we build it this way? Can we build a bridge this way using these materials of such and such a length? It's far cheaper to simulate first - build afterward - secure in the knowledge that what you build will work. Available on the market are all manner of brands of automobile navigation simulations in virtual map form that can guide you from point A to point B without muss or fuss.
*Training: Airline pilots, air traffic controllers, astronauts, medical doctors can practice on simulators first to gain proficiency. Simulations could prove useful in driver training, before actually going out on the road.
*Scientific: Many scientists use simulations to examine 'what if'. Program these set of initial conditions; add these relationships; run for a period of time and see what happens.
*Education: One can explore the planets of the solar system; the realms of interstellar and intergalactic space; the depths of our terrestrial oceans, and other realms too where it isn't really practical or realistic to send someone in person. Data acquired by robotic probes can be translated into simulations that we all can enjoy.
*Entertainment: Video games! Quite apart from that, it's now possible to create entire feature films (note: not cartoon or animation) where all characters and all environments are 100% simulated. No filming on location; no actors need apply for the parts. There's also the tourist trade without all that messing about with airlines and hotels and taxis and suitcases and bad weather. There's all manner of virtual tourist guide packages where you can 'visit' cities and all their tourist attractions (traps).
*Role Playing: It's difficult to insert yourself into a video game, but eventually the technology might be available to do just that. The best futuristic example is the holodeck that features in the latter Star Trek incarnations.
There's one important facet of your life that's already virtual or simulated - at least in theory if not in actual practice. That is, your personal finances. I mean, we've heard of the so-called paperless office (which never really did come to pass - yet). Now we have the virtual wallet and simulated purse. I mean, your payslip or pension is deposited electronically into your account at your financial institution. You can arrange to have your standard bills paid automatically from that account; or you can go online and pay your bills yourself - electronically. You can shop online or at brick-and-mortar stores without the need to carry cash - just use your credit or debit card. You can pay your credit card bill online, or at your financial institution without any cash actually changing hands. You can even use your credit card now to get a soft drink at the vending machine!
At regular intervals your financial institution will send you a piece of paper, or you can see it online, telling you what your accounts are worth. In short, it's now possible to go through your entire financial day-to-day existence, within the entirety of your financial world, without actually having to see or handle actual cash. Money is all virtual money; financial transactions are all simulations of what used to be cash transactions.
So we see that there is nothing unusual with the simulation idea. As an aside, one should note that as little as 100 years ago, such imaginations as would postulate such activities as simulations would have either been writers of fiction or individuals consigned pretty much to the 'nice young men in their clean white coats; coming to take me away, ha-ha, he-he, to the funny farm' set! Given the exponential grown in computing crunch power, what might 100 years from now be like with respect to simulations of reality? Writers of fiction are still pretty safe in speculating; others might still be expecting visits from those 'nice young men in their clean white coats'! All too often however, futurology guesstimates ended up erring too much on the side of caution. What's sort-of expected 100 years hence often proves to be reality in a far shorter time frame. That holodeck might be closer than we think! Now, what kind of simulation might be possible of an extraterrestrial civilization a thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand years in technological advance of ours? A simulation of our Universe (or at least Planet Earth) to them might be as sophisticated as Pac-Man is to us.
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Writing Rituals - Does It Work? An Honest Review

What Is "Writing Rituals"?
"Writing Rituals" is a productivity guide for commercial writers and copywriters. By using it's 5 Writing Rituals, the author, Nick Usborne, claims "you can turn things around very quickly, and achieve a dramatic increase in your productivity. This means you'll get more writing done faster, and earn more money, every day, every week, every month and every year."
The Sales Pitch
I'll let Nick speak for himself:
Few of us write to our full capacity.
I know there are times when I don't.
I have been a freelance copywriter for almost 30 years now, and still have productivity problems from time to time.
I also know I'm not alone. I have corresponded with dozens of other commercial writers and copywriters over the years, many of whom have the exact same problems.
These productivity challenges apply to people writing copy, web site content, blogs, white papers, business reports, essays, college papers, e-books and any other non-fiction.
I came across Writing Rituals via a recommendation on the 'warriorforum' forum. At just $17 it's priced cheaper than many other manuals. I do a lot of writing for many outlets, AND I suffer way to often from lack of focus and procrastination (is it me, or is it an age-related thing - seems to get worse as I get older!). So buying it made sense for me.
You can see the rest of his sales pitch on his web site, which can be reached through .
He also has a great little affiliate opportunity. And yes, I'm gladly an affiliate too!
You get 50%, which is excellent, all handled through ClickBank.
And the icing on the cake? Nick provides affiliates with a number of articles to help with the pre-sell process, and these are great articles in their own right anyway!
What You Get
You get a 46 page PDF document, nicely laid out, pleasing on the eye. And no fluff.
The style is relaxed, and very empathetic - Nick clearly appreciates what it is like to have writer's block for example. It's easy to read, easy to access, thanks to the page numbering, use of space, and signposting - using a mix of heading styles and relevant graphics to indicate where each section starts & stops.
One of the last pages summarises the 5 rituals in a very useful format. In fact, I've printed this page out, laminated it and stuck it on the wall in front of my desk in my study!
I particularly like the story of Nick's brother, a cabinet maker, and how he achieves what he does. Through this device we quickly get to grips with the rituals, what they are and why they are necessary. And this helps the rituals stick in the mind. Now, if only more writers of eBooks did the same...!
The essence of Writing Rituals are the 5 rituals themselves, which are:
  1. clear your mind - remove distractions.
  2. visualise the outcome.
  3. get fully loaded - get all the information you need for the job, allocate time.
  4. start writing - start anywhere!
  5. stick to the plan
The manual shows you HOW to achieve these rituals. And they ARE rituals and not habits because, as Nick himself points out,
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